Monday, October 16, 2017

Trail running in Los Angeles

     When I started this blog I wanted to post once a week. So here it is.
     I know a lot of you are training for upcoming races. A perfect part of training is going on trail runs. They are a little bit more interesting and break up the monotony of everyday runs. You have to be careful on trails that you don't fall or trip. the terrain is uneven and bumpy. 
     Here in Los Angeles everyday is a trail running day because of the horrible condition of the city's sidewalks.

     It's not that there's a lot of earthquakes everyday shattering the sidewalks, it's just years of neglect. Some parts of the city have little make-shift memorials near a broken sidewalk in honor of a skateboarder who met his or her demise there.

The crazy part is if I go running in the early morning or in the evening there isn't enough lighting on the streets to see these hazards.
There has been some repairs made but it's going to take a long time to repair all of the damage.

Happy training!

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