Sunday, October 8, 2017


I used to blog at Runners World Magazine online at The Loop. I would review races that I had been in and and give some antidotes and advice. I haven't been there in a while because I haven't been entered in much runs lately, until last Sunday. Now I just found out that The Loop is no longer there. Runners World Magazine has no time for the Loopsters, they'd rather publish stories about a guy masturbating in the middle of a half marathon or a guy whose 'junk' was exposed while running a marathon.
This is very sad because I did get to meet a lot of cool runners from around the world and even meet up with some for races. So I'm starting my own running blog, Zombie Kid's running blog. I would blog at The Loop as the notorious Zombie Kid from this viral video.  I'm not really that kid but I do believe he is the modern day version of the kid that said, "The Emperor is naked." And as long as the emperor wasn't exposing himself in the middle of a half marathon or sprinting into the finish of a marathon all is well.
So rest in peace Loop. Just remember, I'm a zombie and zombie's refuse to die!

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